Tuesday 7 October 2014

How to make your Phone case with your new Ankara for special occasions

I got a new phone! The Iphone 5 is still pretty new here so I couldn’t find a case for it anywhere. So with the long weekend and all the extra time on my hands I decided I’d try to make one. I’d love to be able to tell you that I knew exactly what I was doing when I started but truthfully the inspiration for this was quite random. I brought out some ankara (printed African fabric) that I wanted to use for the case but after wrapping it around my phone I knew it was way too thin to offer any real protection. So at that point I gave up and decided to go paint my nails and as soon as I brought out my cotton wool it came to me! 
Here’s what I used: Cotton wool pleats Hot Glue Gun Scissors Ankara or any scrap fabric Accessories e.g. bows, ribbons, buttons, studs (Optional)DIY-Ankara-Phone-Case 
The first step is to cut out 2 identical squares in your fabric – You want to have a square that’s slightly over 2 times the width of your phone and about an inch taller so that when you fold the material in half, your phone’s covered – The square I cut out was about 5×5 inches because I left a lot of excess out around the sides – Once you’re happy with your first square cut out another one using the exact same dimensions Lay the cotton wool pleats over the square…
Using your hot glue gun carefully glue the cotton wool pleats to your fabric…DIY3 
Glue the second fabric square on top of the cotton pleats…diy4
Fold the fabric over and glue the edges together…diy5 
This is how it’ll look at the top…
We don’t need all this cotton wool on display so just pull it out until you get to the height you want Once you’re done it should look like this – Cut any excess fabric off and glue the edges together to cover the cotton wool…

At this stage you can use it like this or accessorize it with whatever you like – I chose a black bow that I kept off an old slipper (hoarder anyone? lol) Here’s the finished case…photo3
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