Tuesday 7 October 2014

Learn how to decorate your wall with used tissue.

Beautiful wall decoration
Who would have thought that you could make such beautiful wall designs from toilet rolls?
If done well and branded, these wall decorations can be sold for some bucks. So give it a trial.

What you need
  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Spray paint
  • Paper clips (or any other clip).

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies
For this project you’ll need to gather as many rolls as you need, but this depends on the design you want to do. If you can’t wait to finish lots of toilet paper, then simply pull out the rolls from within them.
Step 2: Cut Out Your Petals
cut your petals
Crush your toilet paper roll in half, and cut it crossways. You could measure if you like, but measuring would take a long time. For this project, each toilet paper roll should yield 6 “petals”. Keep cutting until you get all petals looking like this:

Step 3: Glue Your Petals
glue the petals
Begin glueing the petals together. But the way you do this depends on the design you want to make. All you need to do is apply some glue at a point.
Step 4: Construct Your Flower
pin the petals
After applying glue, use the paper clips to hold the petals together. This saves a lot of time as you don’t need to hold the petals until the glue dries. Simply use the paper clip on two petals and continue glueing.
Since we’re making a flower with 5 petals, this is what it’ll look like:
Step 5: Spray Paint
spray the petals
Once the glue dries and you’re satisfied with how it looks, spray your flower with the paint. Any colour would work. Just don’t let it be too contrasting with the environment.
Step 6: Let It Dry Off
sprayed flower
When you’re done spraying, this is what it’ll look like. Please note that you don’t need to spray each piece (flower) individually. You’ll save more time if you glue all yoru pieces together and then spray paint them at once!

Step 7: Hang It Up…Or Sell It!
Beautiful wall decoration
What you do with the finish is up to you. to give it a better style, you could glue the decoration on a canvas or frame so that it looks more bold. But that’s just for extra packaging.
And that’s all folks! As you can see, you really don’t need any special equipment or skills to create this. So feel free to empty your store of toilet rolls 

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