Monday 6 October 2014

Polities: Kenny Saint Best Gives Reasons For Joining Politics

Kenny Saint Best is one of the numerous entertainers who wants to try their hands in politics come 2015.
The gospel artiste and Vice President of Kennis Music, just like actors Kate Henshaw, Funke AdesiyanDesmond Elliot,Bob Manuel Udokwu, and singers 9ice and Tony Tetuila, feels she can give something back to the society and has given reasons she intends to run for a seat in the Lagos State House of Assembly representing Ikeja Constituency 1, under the All Progressive Congress, APC.
KSB told the Punch why she wants to represent her people:
Every night I pass through Opebi Road and see young girls (sex workers), I feel sad and it is worrisome that they keep increasing every year.  This constituency is the seat of power for the entire state. I am going to the Assembly and it will be transformation galore.’
She added;
During my time with Kennis Music in the past 16 years, I touched the lives of many youths who have become big today. Some I never knew but I saw something in them. Today, 2Face, Paul Play Dairo, Remedies, Essence are all success stories because we believed in them. Imagine what we can do through governance?’,
We believe you Kenny!

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