Sunday 28 September 2014

30-Yr-Old man is offering $160K to any woman willing to be his mother

An interested applicant, Juan Lei, who was turned down by the young man, narrated her experience.
“I went to speak to him to ask if it was a real offer, and he told me I was too young for the job and he only wanted older women,” she recalled.
“I just wanted to know why he wanted a mum and he said he had been raised in an orphanage, and after making a success of himself, he felt he missed out on having a mother to be proud of him, and treat him like a son. I felt quite sorry for him actually, he looked really lonely but this isn’t the way to go about filling that gap in life.
“I told him he should marry and that way he could share his wife’s parents, but he didn’t seem impressed with the idea,” Lei added.
Tsui has continued with his strange act, telling locals who tried talking him out of the idea that he would not stop until he finds a mother.

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