Sunday 28 September 2014

Strong love: Elderly couple plan to die together

An old couple who have been married for 63 years is about make history as the world's first couple to undergo a joint euthanasia, or in plain term, assisted suicide, a form of legal suicide.
The elderly couple, Francis, 89 and his wife, Anne, 86, are said to be so much in love that they do not want to live apart. The couple, none of them terminally ill, want to take their love to their graves and they have the support of their three adult children.
So instead of either couple feeling lonely when one goes, they have decided to leave at the same time.
According to Mail Online, the couple's children have even gone so far as to find a practitioner willing to carry out the double killings on the grounds that the couple's mental anguish constituted the unbearable suffering needed to legally justify euthanasia. The couple, from Brussels, are receiving regular medical treatment for age-related ailments.
Francis has received treatment for prostate cancer for 20 years and is unable to spend a day without morphine and Anne is partially blind and almost totally deaf. They always go out shopping together because they are both scared that one day the other will not return home.
They decided that life in a care home was not an option because of their fear they would end up bedridden without the strength to insist on euthanasia.
They are also afraid that a good retirement home would cost more than their combined pensions and that they would have to dig into their savings to afford it.
They planned to commit the double suicide on February 3 2015, their 64th wedding anniversary, by placing plastic bags over their heads after taking an overdose of sleeping pills.

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