Friday 26 September 2014

5 ways to make your Husband's a better one

  • Chances are your husband is not expecting a dozen red roses from you. However, he wouldn't mind hearing words of appreciation. Telling your husband how thankful you are for the things he has done or telling him how much you love him is a good start to making his day a better one.
    It's hard to admit that we sometimes complain a little too much. We disapprove how our husbands do certain things or compare how they do things to how we do them. Truth is we are treating them unfairly. We are not respecting their feelings or taking into consideration the effort they put into doing something. At times, I take my husband for granted, complain and forget to give thanks for the many things he does for me daily. Therefore, I take advantage of every chance I get to do special things for him – as simple as it is.
    Instead of complaining or criticizing, try doing little things on random days that will show your husband you do love and appreciate him.
    Here are 5 simple ways to brighten your husband's day.
  • Show interest

    You and your husband may have different interest in activities. For example, you love to spend hours shopping and he loves spending hours crafting airplanes or toy cars. As an alternative to shopping, spend those hours with your husband working on his craft. Let him teach you the process. Show him you are genuinely interested in the things he loves.
  • Lending a helping hand

    Men do get overwhelmed. Just like women, they have their share of responsibilities. And, at times, we tend to overlook how they feel. But the next time you see your husband in distress, figure out what is on his to-do list. Take at least one of the tasks and complete it. If he is responsible for mowing the grass, do it for him or take the car to the mechanic. Age permitting and if possible, include the kids to help you get the task done.
  • Thank you, and I love you

    If you are not used to telling your husband "I love you" or "Thank you" frequently, you should start now. Hearing those words will instantly brighten up his day. Your husband will feel appreciated and know that you recognize his hard work.
  • Time with his friends

    Between work and helping with the house and children, your husband might like to spend a couple of hours with his friends to unwind and catch up on things. Therefore, surprise him by setting up a boy's night out.
  • Sports

    If you are not a sports fan but your husband is, give him that time to enjoy the game alone without interruptions or worries. Spoil him by bringing out his favorite snacks and drinks.
    Showing your husband appreciation through simple gestures will not only make his day better, but will make him feel lucky to have you in his life.

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