Sunday 21 September 2014

From Zainab: How I emerged as a winner form UNILAG debate competition

The University of Lagos held its 2014 Debate competition last week and Zainab Olaitan, a 200 level student of Political Science department, emerged the winner of the competition. She spoke to Tolu George on how she emerged winner of the competition and her passion for debates.
When Zainab stood in front of over 2000 students in the University of Lagos auditorium, to participate in the 2014 UNILAG inter-faculty debate, little did she know that she would emerge the winner of the competition; but luck, God’s favour and confidence however made her emerge the winner of the debate competition.
Zainab, a 200 level student of Political Science, said she entered into the debate competition without any inkling that she would win but just to give it a trial; here what she said after the break
“I entered the debate with the mindset of just presenting something. I didn’t go with the mindset of winning, but when I won at the departmental level I had no option than to finish it to the end,” she said.
Although this was not her first time. She contested in her first year and won at the departmental level but could not progress to the inter-departmental level “I actually did a debate in my first year and I won at the departmental level, but I could not compete in the University debate because I was in my first year. So they had to take somebody more experienced. So in this second year, everybody already knew that I was a good debater and I was the one everyone was looking at to represent my department,” she added.
Zainab, who argued against the motion, that the 2015 Elections will make or mar Nigeria, started seeing herself as a good debater when she was in her first year.
Interesting, she has also been involved with this kind of event since her primary school days. She however switched to essay writing when she got into secondary school and with her essay writing skills, she won laurels at the regional levels and state levels. “I wrote essays and won awards at the regional level and emerged second position at the state level,” she said.
On strategies to winning the 2014 UNILAG debate, she said; ‘The first thing I had to do was to make myself understand the topic and what the topic was trying to say. Then I went to meet my lecturers to get their views on the topic. I also read books and I think the power of conviction and passion also went a long way.”
She continued, “I think the fact that I like arguing was also a huge factor in my favour. When I argue I put everything into it and that made the debate a little easy for me, so the only thing I had to do was to get my points and make them logical.”
Zainab, now a N100, 000 richer and a proud owner of a laptop, hopes to go on to compete in the National debate, Pan African debate and the World debate.
She also hopes to set up a journal where good researches carried out can be published.
Zainab aspires to become a lecturer some day but with her debating skills getting better and sharper, she is not too sure of following the path of lecturing. “When you make your passion your ambition, then every other thing will come easy and you will find your calling. Everybody’s calling may not be debating; it could be essay writing or even teaching. Just make sure it’s your passion and ensure that you start something on it, because there is no time,” she added.

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