Friday 26 September 2014

She was sentence to jail for slicing the four-month-old's heels

Mother faces jail for slashing her baby son's feet with razor blades and causing 'horrific' injuries.
Rachael Thompson, 40, was found guilty of slicing the four-month-old's heels, as the jury heard that the wounds could only have been caused deliberately.
Thompson took her son into hospital two days after attacking him, claiming the injuries were an accident.
She said the boy had somehow cut himself on a razor which had fallen into his bath.
Jo Martin, prosecuting, said Thompson told medics she had been bathing the child when she left him with her partner.
She claimed she had come back to find the child's feet bleeding and a razor blade lying in the tub.
But Derriford Hospital A&E nurse Emma Congdon contacted social services when she became suspicious about why Thompson had waited two days to bring her son in.
She said the mother told her the baby had 'kicked' the razor into the bath.
She told the court the boy's wounds were 'horrific', adding: 'You would not leave a four month old baby on its own in the bath.'
Ms Martin said police consulted an expert who said a falling razor would be unlikely to slice into a baby's feet.
And even if it did, it would cut in a 'criss-cross' fashion rather deliver a clean, identical wound to both heels, she said.

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